Hypnosis for Fear of Public Speaking

"I felt really comfortable just standing up and speaking openly and clearly without any kind of preparation."

  • “My stage fright has diminished to almost nothing. I have a better experience on stage and make a bigger impact on the audience.”

    - Luke T., Concord

  • “My challenges with public speaking went from uncontrollable anxiety to manageable anticipatory jitters.”

    - Edward Young, Weston

  • “I have had several opportunities to give presentations at work… but all of those went well – I have not had to use any of my anxiety relief medications.”

    - Owen Edmonds, Boston

How I help my clients resolve their fear of public speaking

The Problem
Logically you know you’re safe. You know the audience isn’t going to hurt you — it’s not the end of the world if your presentation isn’t perfect. Maybe you’ve even taken a public speaking class to try to build your confidence. Consciously…rationally…intellectually… you’re safe. You should feel fine. But you don’t. There’s a part of your mind that sends a very powerful signal of fear. Your heart races. Your stomach clenches. You’re terrified.

The Solution
To use fear of public speaking hypnosis to work directly with the part of your mind that’s sending that fear signal. So you have the chance to bring help directly to that subconscious/emotional part of your mind – the part that doesn’t care about all those reasons why you should feel fine. So you have the chance to genuinely SOLVE the fear of public speaking problem where it’s happening rather than just talking about it or learning techniques to manage it.

The way clients structure their public speaking anxiety is different from person to person. Even across different clients who have the same type of issue. So I'm constantly changing and adapting approaches to fit each client and the unique structure of their issue. The work usually involves hypnotherapy, but there are also many other ways to get things solved.

These are some of the approaches I combine to help clients succeed.

Hypnotherapy is a great way to get to the core of a fear of public speaking issue. It's a way of engaging the deeper/unconscious parts of the mind so clients get results they can feel, not just intellectual understandings. It's also a great state for learning and a useful tool for relaxation. These are some of the hypnotherapy approaches I use in my practice:

Ericksonian hypnotherapy

Classical hypnosis

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Regression Hypnotherapy

Ideomotor Hypnotherapy

Conversational Hypnosis
Through careful use of language, I can help clients connect and work with some very deep (and usually outside of consciousness) parts of themselves. These approaches can sometimes streamline the process, reduce performance anxiety ("Am I hypnotized?!") and make the process easier.

Neuro-linguistic programming offers a suite of tools that help clients gain more control over the way they're thinking about things. More control + more options usually = easier presentations.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a close relative of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). It's a way of helping clients see some of the "filters" they've been seeing the world through so they can find more choices. On it's own it can be a bit dry and hard for clients to accept. Combined with hypnotherapy and NLP, it can be life-changing, particularly for anxiety clients who are trapped in the "I MUST not be anxious" loop where the harder they try to relax, the more anxious they get.

Behavior Design
BD is based on the work of BJ Fogg, director of The Behavioral Design Lab at Stanford University. His research shows that long-term change is best accomplished when people feel good. Taking very small steps in a consistently positive way can yield powerful results, especially as fear of public speaking clients are learning it's safe to start doing presentations again.

Psychological Illusions/De-Hypnosis/Metacognitive therapy
Some clients create their public speaking anxiety by (innocently) hypnotizing themselves into some really bad trances. The stories and images they create can be powerful drivers for a lot of panic and anxiety.

Helping clients develop tools to "wake up" when they start do that can often make a big difference. The psychological illusion model offers tools to help clients to see through those thoughts in a way that allows for a lot more peace of mind. It's another way of helping clients wake up from some of the "thoughtmares" that have been scaring them while they're in front of an audience.

Metaphors and stories can often help clients see things in much deeper way than more analytical/left-brained conversations. They're invaluable for helping clients "connect the dots" and see outside of the places where they've been stuck.  Unstuck clients usually resolve their fear of public speaking.

Progressive Exposure
Helping clients slowly work in the direction of fear trigger can often be an important part of the process. The really important thing is being sure that before they start they have new resources (usually developed through the other approaches mentioned here). That way they can feel safe as they start to speak in front of people again.

Provocative Therapy
Sometimes being very direct or playing the devil's advocate with a client can help them to see new options in a way that more circumspect approaches can't.

Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy and the Emotional Freedom Technique are both ways to "unstick" some thought/feeling combinations. One involves the client gently tapping some acupressure points, the other following a prompt for some simple eye movements.  Both can be helpful in resolving a fear of public speaking.

Certain breathing patterns act as effective tools for resetting the sympathetic fight or flight response. They can be a shortcut to creating a sense of calm that can be extremely useful, especially for clients with fear of public speaking.

Visualization work, much like the type athletes do to prime themselves for success, can sometimes be a useful tool with speaking, particularly after a client has solved most of the issue.

I can’t say how long it would take to get things resolved. You may work slowly and carefully, or you may work quickly. Some problems are straightforward, some are complicated.  My goal is for my clients to find a lasting solution as quickly as possible without using ‘band-aid’ approaches or cutting corners.

The vast majority of clients I’ve done fear of public speaking hypnosis with have solved their problem. It’s been more work for some than others, and many have resolved other issues (performance anxiety, social anxiety, etc.) in the process. There are people who don’t get good results, though. Fortunately, I’m usually able to identify them before they start, so they can find someone who’s a better fit for them.

I structure my fees so that clients get great results. 

I charge a flat fee because I find:

  • Clients get better results when they commit up front to spend the money/time it takes to solve their problem (results aren’t as good when people dabble and  “try hypnosis”).
  • Clients get better results when they’re not worried about how much time they’re taking.
  • Clients get better results when they’re mid-process and they’re not worried about how much more it might cost them to get to the point where they’re successful.

So here, clients pay one flat fee to resolve their fear of public speaking.  It’s one price, regardless of how many sessions it takes to solve the problem completely.   ‘Solved’ as both defined by and judged by the client.  Fees vary depending on the situation and the severity of the problem.  Ideally the value the client places on the solution matches or exceeds the fee.

Fees vary depending on the client and the issue. Usually they fall somewhere in the $3-7k range.


Sorry, I don't do any insurance billing. I've had a few clients who were able to get the work partially covered with HSA funds, but I don't know the details of how they arranged it. I just provided them with a receipt.

I guarantee all fear of public speaking hypnosis work with a half-back refund. If a client reaches the ten session mark and they’re making good progress, no problem. We continue until the work is finished. If they’ve done that much work and they don’t feel like they’ve made progress, I guarantee the work by refunding half the fee.

It’s also guaranteed if a client has a problem down the road. “Relapses” are rare, but if they ever happen – whether it’s three weeks, three months or three years later – they’re 100% covered. The client is back here in the office and we resolve whatever we may have missed.

Much as I’d like to, I’m not able to help everyone with a public speaking issue.  Click the button below to find out if you’ll be a good fit as a Boston Hypnosis client.

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